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Friday 19 August 2016


Forget Not His Benefits

(Psalms 103:2 NKJV) Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits

We often quickly get over the things God does for us without giving Him due glory. There is the tendency to just move on to receive the next thing we need from Him. This kind of attitude does not help in receiving from God. When was the last time you appreciated God for His blessings in your life?

An attitude of gratitude is essential if you really want to maximize His blessings in your life. The appreciation should not be limited to the major breakthroughs of life. You should also learn to thank God for everyday benefits of His mercies and grace.

Praise God for your health, protection from evil, preservation and provision. And do not leave out the fact that God gave you the opportunity to experience His saving grace. Without this, remember, you would not have been named among the saints.

Thanking God for small things will set you up for bigger breakthroughs. So before you move on to the next prayer request, acknowledge God for the present benefits you are enjoying. Do that now and always.



I am the righteousness of God and I live by faith. I have the God-kind of faith in my heart, so I please God in all my ways. I am free from fear, doubt and unbelief. I have received a precious faith from God. My faith is active and effective at all times. I walk in great faith because I pay much attention to the Word of God.

I have a world-overcoming faith because I am born of God. Nothing is impossible with me because my trust is in the power of the Almighty God. I believe all the promises of God and the Word is working for me. I believe and I receive all that God has in store for me.

I am not of them that draw back but I believe to the saving of the soul. I hold on to my confession until I see my desired manifestations. Life flows continually out of my mouth. Everything around me is subject to change through the eternal Word of God in my heart and mouth.

I honor God and His Word in all my ways. Therefore, I am honored in life with health, soundness and all- round prosperity. I have the spiritual attitude of faith. I am always quick to believe the Word and my life is full of good results.

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